• Built to your specification
  • Structural steel fabrication and galvanizing
  • Walkways, air bridges, skimmers, piping, etc.

Walkways, Skimmers, Air Bridges, and More

EMI has over 5 years of experience producing structural steel components for wastewater clients. We fabricate all manner of component, from air bridges and walkways, to skimmers, piping and splitter boxes for activated sludge or other processes.

Our expert fitters, fabricators, and welders are among the best in the industry, while our quality control team keeps us ISO compliant. You can rest assured that your structural and process equipment will be built to the highest standards, with all components cut with the digital accuracy of robotic automation.

We have the size and capability to be your one-stop job-shop for all your structural steel needs. At EMI we provide solutions designed and delivered on time and on budget.

Contact us today to learn more.

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